Summer Course 2016 : Visit Cikasungka Palm Oil Plantation

Yeah...we went to the field again after  Enjoy Traditional Activity in Cinangneng Tourism Village before. It’s second field trip in this summer course program. In Day-3, we full day in the field. While we arrived in Cikasungka, the management gives us some explanation about Cikasungka Palm Oil Plantation. After this, we went to the plantation and tried to be a harvester. Waw..It’s hard to be palm oil harvester, because we must harvest the fresh fruit bunch with the weight average is 20 kg/bunch.
Cheerss...Indonesia - Japan - 1/2 Korea..hehe

Takuya with his bunch and Takuro try to be harvester...

Many Japanese students curious about the feel harvesting, and look hard for them. The management also explains the price of the bunch and invite us to go to palm oil factory to see the processing of CPO. 

Like a dam..but for the bunch

One year stay in Bogor, it’s the first time I knew that in Bogor available palm oil plantation and the factory. I just think that the palm oil plantation is only in the Sumatera, Kalimantan and outer of Java island. So for me, visiting this farm and also seeing the process of crude palm oil or called CPO make excited. 
  Beautiful view from Palm oil factory 

We learn one by one process, but unfortunately, the process didn’t run because the palm oil bunch is not enough to process, so we must waiting until full capacity. But we still can learn by visiting one by one the machine. The product called CPO and kernel.
 Situation in Palm oil factory

I’m very proud with palm oil factory because can produce electricity by themselves, and also have a proper water treatment that can reduce the waste. We have finished day-3 with the meaningful field trip! The field trip in day-4 and 5 is enjoyable too…. :'D
Wisma Wageningen, 7 November 2016
Vita Ayu Kusuma Dewi
